Sensing with a Systemic Lens - toolkit for changemakers
How do we think our way through the messes we’re in when the way we think is part of the mess? Nora Bateson
Are you struggling to bring others in your organisation along with your work?
Do you spend more time servicing ‘business as usual’ rather than the change you believe is needed?
This one-day training course will provide you with new perspectives on blockages to change and, more importantly, some tools for shifting them.
The workshop will include a full systemic constellation as well as individual and small group exercises, with the aim of facilitating you to:
Sense into what is really holding back change in your organisation
Gain awareness of hidden dynamics and missed potential
Tune in to the ‘next steps’ holding the most potential for positive change
Create movement where none had seemed possible
Share embodied practices with others in your organisation to encourage use of a systemic lens
Next course date: Thursday 27th March 2025, 9:00-16:30 GMT (online)
Cost: £295. Concessions available, email Steph to request.
Participant numbers are limited to 12 so you are advised to reserve your place early.
If you still have questions then contact Steph to arrange a chat with her. If you are interested in this workshop but not available on the date, please email Steph to be notified of future dates.