Finding our Power - workshop for the climate-concerned
“I believe that the threat even greater than climate change is how powerless we feel in the face of it.” Clover Hogan
Are you feeling overwhelmed in the face of the climate situation?
Are you struggling with inner conflict, or a conflict between your own values and those of the organisation for which you work?
Would you like more resources to support you?
This one-day workshop will provide you with new perspectives on your situation and, more importantly, some tools to help you face it from a more powerful position.
The workshop will include a full systemic constellation as well as small group exercises, with the aim of facilitating you to:
Acknowledge the reality of the challenge
Explore what is behind your conflicts
Distinguish the current from the old fears
Gain new perspectives on the origins of others’ positions
Strengthen your resources
Next course date: Friday 2nd May, 9:00-16:30 GMT (online)
Cost: £295. Concessions available, please email Steph to request.
Participant numbers are limited to 12 so you are advised to reserve your place early.
If you still have questions then contact Steph to arrange a chat. If you are interested in this workshop but not available on the date, please email Steph to be notified of future dates.