Philanthropy: change-making and relationship with wealth
Money exists to serve life. As the polycrisis deepens, it becomes ever more critical to guide the flow of money to where it can best serve. Yet our relationship with money tends to travel down from generation to generation, both personally, and through philanthropic vehicles. We can remain trapped in a narrative, and a way of managing our wealth, that no longer serves the best interests of ourselves, our family or our philanthropic organisation.
Systemic constellations can surface hidden dynamics that are keeping us trapped.
Issues explored through this work might include:
the stories about wealth which we inherited from our family, and the loyalties generated by these
the impact of the origins of our wealth
our attachment to wealth, and the costs to us of this relationship
the wishes of future generations as regards our wealth management
the places to which wealth ‘wants’ to flow
This work is relevant for trustees of philanthropic organisations, for HNWI and for any individual keen to transform their relationship with money.
Potential benefits include:
clarity on how our wealth can best support future generations
a clearer sense of purpose for our wealth management
a shift of stuckness in priorities and in ways of ‘doing’
a better relationship with our wealth and an improved sense of well-being
All workshops are private and can be held in groups or, where complete confidentiality is required, on a 1-2-1 basis.
Email Steph to explore how this work might support you, or your organisation, to find a more harmonious relationship with your wealth.